Welcome to day 3 of 10 where we explore ideas to help your child learn to spell and write their name! You can quickly jump to each day as it is indexed on this page.
Today we are exploring the classic playdough mat but with a twist!

Print off your custom name playdough mat page and grab a pot of playdough. I slide my printed playdough mats into this plastic sleeve.

Have your child pinch off a small amount of playdough and roll with the palm of their hands. Moving the hands up and down in this manor will result in a “snake” playdough.
Measure off some lengths on the letters and either cut with a playdough scissors (great to integrate if practice is needed) or pinch of the correct length sizes. Follow the dot to form the letters correctly.

>>>>>>>Get the printable playdough mat here!<<<<<<<

I love this font particularly for this playdough mat because of the dot to encourage the correct formation of the letters. This seems to be a common development in preschool to address.
The Name Playdough Mat does not have the option to print the page “landscape” so longer names are being cut off. The other name printing practice sheets on http://www.createprintables.com give the option of either portrait or landscape.
I think this is an omission on the Name Playdough Mat.(bubble letters)
Please let me know when it is corrected.
PS Yes, I tried changing my printer to landscape and it doesn’t work:-)
The new printable is only available in landscape. can you try this link please: https://www.createprintables.com/name-playdough-mat/